Cho's early signs of disillusionment?
"Neighbors, roommates and teachers described Cho as a withdrawn person who rarely spoke. Two students who said they were Cho’s roommates said he had harassed several female students and once told them he wanted to kill himself, which prompted the roommates to report their concerns to the police."
University Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said his officers approached Cho in late 2005 when two women students complained of ”annoying” phone calls and instant messages from him.
”I’m not saying they were threats; I’m saying they were annoying. That’s the way the victims characterized them, as annoying messages,” Flinchum told a news conference.
After the second incident Cho’s roommate told police he ”might be suicidal,” prompting them to issue a ”temporary detention order” and send him to a mental health facility for evaluation, Flinchum said.
Authorities would not say how long Cho was evaluated.
Twisted Writer
Fellow students and teachers have described a troubled loner whose writings for his English degree were so laced with violence and disillusionment that they alarmed some of those around him.
Cho Sueng-hui cum Ismail Ax hated the American society to which he had been brought 15 years earlier. His play McBeef (a poor pun from an English Lit major on Macbeth) is one endless screed against the corruption of American culture. A cheesy re-telling of Shakespeare's Hamlet, it involves a young man abused by his step-father, a former NFL football player. The son, throws epithets at his father calling him a 'Catholic priest'. And makes derisive comments about McDonalds. It seems that none of the foundational structures of Western Civilization, Christianity, capitalism, family, are spared his rage. In other words, he really meant what he said in his last words: "you (that is America) made me do this."
Serial Killer-ish
Old roommates talking about how they used to joke about how he was going to be a serial killer because of his pathological behavior.
A note from a former schoolmate says: "After hearing about the mass shootings, I sent one of my friends a Facebook message asking him if he knew anything about Seung Cho and if he could have been involved. He replied: "dude that's EXACTLY what I was thinking! No, I haven't heard anything, but seriously, that was the first thing I thought when I heard he was Asian.""
+something to think about+
"Why do these mass shooting tragedies always become about gun control? Every news magazine show that I have seen has decided to focus on the stupid guns. It isn't about the guns, its about the environment that breeds this insanity. They focused on the guns and didn't explore the meds this guy was on at all. I heard on one radio report that the man was on some anti-depressant medication. Now I know that some people need some of those meds, but I have read about way to many cases where friends and family have noticed horrible personality changes from people on some of those meds. If he was on some meds, maybe they had an adverse effect on him."